Wednesday, 26 June 2013

SimGuruRyan Island Paradise Blog Entry

Wow! Can you believe The Sims 3 Island Paradise launch day is finally here!? What an adventure this project has been! In fact, it’s been exactly one year since the very first meeting we had to figure out the theme for the 10th expansion pack for The Sims 3 . And, despite it being the 10th in a long line of great The Sims 3 titles, I’ve never been more excited for the launch of any game I’ve ever worked on! The Sims 3 Island Paradise is a huge expansion pack that adds major features for everyone – regardless of how you play The Sims . From houseboats and resorts, to uncharted islands and scuba diving, I can’t think of any other TS3 expansion that added so many new major systems and ways to play. But you guys already know all about what’s in the pack! So instead of using this blog to recap all of the great things in The Sims 3 Island Paradise , I thought I’d share a few tips and tricks so that you can dive into your very own paradise as soon as you get your hands on it.

•    The easiest way to get into resort management is to “buy” Hobart’s Hideaway. This once, beautiful resort has fallen into disrepair and needs a lot of work, but it’s a great way to kick start your resort empire without too much financial commitment! Due to the state of the resort, it’s going for the low, low price of §0.00! It will get you into resort management much quicker than building one from scratch.
•    There’s a multitude of different ways to discover uncharted islands. Some can be discovered by simply exploring the area around them via boat, and others will take a little bit more investigation. Try talking to some of the local Isla Paradiso residents, as they have inside knowledge of the surrounding islands and may send you on a quest for discovery!
•    Scuba diving opens up a whole new underwater realm for your Sims to explore. But it can be dangerous! Make sure to acquire the Scuba diving skill by snorkeling first before you try heading out into the deep waters.
•    Keeping guests at your resort happy is a tricky thing to do! Amenities and fun objects found in the Resort Objects Tab in Build & Buy Modes are key to making sure your resort guests have a great time. Happy guests can mean a successful resort!

•    When it comes to houseboat living, the ocean is your backyard! Move between ports whenever you’d like, or leave the landlubber life behind completely and make home sweet home in the middle of the ocean.
•    Scuba diving Sims may encounter a mysterious mermaid from time to time beneath the waves. Becoming friends with one is key to revealing the secret behind transforming your Sim into one of them!

•    When it comes to building houseboats, there are many hull sizes and shapes to start with. If you’re building a smaller houseboat, ladders and the All-in-One Bathroom are crucial for maintaining a functional household in a cramped space.
•    AQUA SLED!!!!! Different boats travel at different speeds. So if you’re looking to get somewhere quick, save up and purchase an Aqua Sled or Speedboat for your Sims. Both will get you where you need to go (which can be a very long way in Isla Paradiso).

And there you have it - some hot tips to get you up and Simming on the sunny shores of Isla Paradiso. As always, and even more so with this expansion pack, I can’t wait to hear about all the fun you’ll have with The Sims 3 Island Paradise - I’m always amazed to see the content and stories that we didn’t even think were possible being told and created by you. Until next time Simmers, Shaka Brah!


Sunday, 23 June 2013

New Community Manager and Character Artist Needed for Maxis

What's interesting about the character artist is that EA says the role combines traditional character modelling with art direction. Hmm, hints on the cartoonish sims then?

What Will You Do In Island Paradise?!

Poll Time!
This time I am asking what will you do first when you get the newest expansion..!

What Will You Do First In Island Paradise?! free polls 

Friday, 21 June 2013

The King Family

Hey Guys! So I thought I'd take you round my current household before I get Island Paradise.

I am going to briefly talk about the background of this family - and I am only mentioning the heirs as otherwise there would be too much to write.The household is in its fifth generation so far! It started off with a guy called Lexus King who moved into Sunset Valley and became a Star News Anchor (his lifetime wish) and became a top earning writer at the same time.

He then had three children, one of whom was called Jessica. Jessica was a stylish but friendly sim who wanted to excel in the stylist profession and style the whole of Sunset Valley and give it the make-over it needed. The family soon became even richer whilst Jessica and her husband were working and moved into a nice beach pad next to ocean. In her retirement she took up painting as she was very artistic from her stylist profession and from the paintings she would collect thousands for her masterpieces! She had received multiple awards for her styling contributions.

Jessica had around four children, the next heir from these four was called Chad King. His father was an international super spy and this inspired him to join the Investigator profession and solve 50 cases as part of his life-time wish. While solving crimes, he would break into homes and steal - he was a kleptomaniac! He solved crimes in Sunset Valley and kept everything on lock down, and after cleaning the city of criminals, he decided to move to Twinbrook.

The family moved into one of the mansions in Twinbrook. As seen below.
Sims 3 Current Household
Chad had four children like his mother. This is the current generation He had Parker, Suzie and twins Delia-May and Burger. Parker was a misguided fellow who thought architectural design was for him with his families known artistic side. However it didn't work and he decided to move to joining a band, this didn't turn out either as Twinbrook didn't have all the opportunities for bands. He decided to become a Rock Star and is now a level 7 within the music career! He is a level four celebrity too. He has completed his lifetime wish of maxing out both art and guitar skills!
Sims 3 Current Household
His wife is called Emerald (she was a pre-made with Ambitions), she met Parker as a child and they went steady as teenagers. Parker married his childhood sweetheart. More on Emerald can be found here. In the game she is a level two celebrity and has completed her life-time wish of maxing out logic and handiness skill. The handiness skill has helped play a part in her military career which she is now a level 7 in.
The pair have to children. Morgan who has been bought up badly, has failing grades and a bad reputation and James-Thomas who is quite plain as a sim. Morgan's failing grades have been a worry and Emerald is trying her hardest to tutor Morgan to at least pass high-school. 
Morgan - The Punk!
Finally, Parker lives with his sister Burger (King) who is one of the accidental twins! She is a vampire and has a sense of mystery about her. Her lifetime wish was to marry a rich sim and see their ghost, she chose Shark Racket. Unfortunately there was an asteroid strike which killed Shark and while everyone was mourning, Burger had a mischievous smile about her. Now she's fastly becoming one of the biggest criminals around as she approaches the top of the criminal career, she has a big celebrity status about her and she's dating the fire fighter who put out her the fires when the asteroid his the gardens of the mansion.
Sims 3 Current Household
Her daughter Madrid King also lives in the same household and after witnessing the fires destroy the exterior of her house, now wishes to become a firefighter! - Well an evil one anyway!
Sims 3 Current Household

Pre-Order The Sims 4 Now!

Game also has a chance to pre-order the Sims 4 now! The price for the new base game is £49.99 - Buy It Here

Product Description : 
The Sims 4 celebrates the heart and soul of the Sims themselves, giving players a deeper connection with the most expressive, surprising and charming Sims ever in this single-player offline experience. The Sims 4 encourages players to personalize their world with new and intuitive tools while offering them the ability to effortlessly share their creativity with friends and fans.

The Sims franchise is fueled by the passion and creativity of its millions of fans around the world. Their continued devotion to the franchise ignites the fire of creativity of the team at The Sims Studio, driving them to continually improve and innovate on one of the world’s most popular simulation games that has sold more than 150 million copies worldwide.

Sims 4 Cover Art

SimCity Offer : Only £24.99

SimCity is now only £24.99 at GAME saving you £20 off the download price they offer! Buy It Here!

SimCity Offer

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Sims 3 Hunger Games Challenge

On Youtube, KPOPP has some of the best Sims 3 videos out there. While she isn't a serious simmer who works from a few Simoleans to thousands; she has fun with the Sims and makes a lot of people laugh doing it.

Following her ongoing Pregnant Challenge series (in which she gets offspring of the original heir to impregnate the whole town and become impregnated by the whole town too!). She has now unveiled her Hunger Games series.

8 Sims including Katniss, Amanda Bynes, Justin Bieber and even Ron Weasley; will all fight it out in a head-to-head battle for survival. With only three sims having the chance to eat daily, and only 3 spots for napping, the sims are going to be put under pressure to survive and win the challenge! Every episode there will be a new challenge in which the winner will be rewarded and loser will be punished!

Who should win?

Sims 3 Live Broadcast : 18th June

Check out SimGuruGraham's live play through the underwater elements of Island Paradise and the big Sims 4 reveal news.

Skylights, Ballet and Public Showers!

Yesterday SimGuruTaterTot unveiled the latest information on the newest venue "Skylight Studio for Performing Arts". It features glass roofs, something that a lot of builders will be happy with.

Sims 3 Skylights
New Skylights in The Sims 3

Above you can see how the skylights work out, they can be put together to create really whacky and fun shapes - perfect for a 5 Star Resort in Isla Paradiso! SGTaterTot also told us about the new dance skill that would return from previous games with the addition of a ballet pole. There was also a screenshot of a new public shower which is perfect for gyms and swimming pool community lots!

Sims 3 Skylight Studio for Performing Arts
Public Showers!

Sims 3 Ballet
Budding Ballerina's in the making


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Happy Simming!