Well as you all know Sims Tabloid recruited a team of new bloggers and one of them is me!
My name is Ivan Genc, many of you know me from twitter as @biggestsimsfan . I got an invitation to write here on this fabulous blog ;)!
I'll write on this blog on Thursdays. On Thursdays I'll write about simmers! Yes you! You guys are awesome and your creations are simply wonderful! Send me stuff (like cool loking sims, houses or community lots) on my email and you could be featured right here on Sims Tabloid! I'll also write some sims news and new content for The Sims 3 or soon The Sims 4.
Once a month I'll post a story, it will be some sort of a challenge for you guys. I'll make family names and give them traits. And then you guys will send me all about their lives. Sounds exciting? Well there's more. The best will be featured here every month and the winner will decide what are the next family names and traits going to be. We'll call it the SimsTabloid challenge
That's all from me today. Since I'm leaving for a big school field trip on Monday and I'm coming back on Friday the next Thursday blog will be poster on Friday. I'm so sorry! :3
Love @BiggestSimsFan . <3 Send me stuff on my email : ivangenc99@gmail.com