Tuesday 20 August 2013

Sims 4 "Arrival" Trailer Breakdown!

So the announce trailer for The Sims 4 was dubbed as the "arrival" trailer! Let's break this down, since the team over at Sims Studio always give us suggestive hints...

Outside of space! Seeing rockets is a new catchphrase for the series! so is it a hint at an astronaut profession, or is it an expansion pack hint? Hmmm one thing is for sure...we'll have a rocket in the base game!
Read More after the jump!

Restaurants are back! No more rabbitholes! Just plain and simple dining and wining that we can control and see!

Llama Fever! Llama's everywhere! Which means Llama's return in the next base game, but  could this also be a hint at farming? And with the shooting plumbobs out of the sky...is it a hint to aliens? 

Freezer Bunnies! Indoor Gardening and Surfboards! Just an eclectic mix to create a surfer hideout, but these objects aren't just decor right?

Raining Dogs! We have rain and pets...expansion pack ideas? OR base game ideas?

Sims that can Skype! Extra fun ways of communicating! But could this mean we see the social networking skill in the base game too?

Apartment Life? Late Night? Or possible a hint at two or more different worlds? 

Bella Goth! Will the mystery be solved?

Cars! This hint means more than you'll expect! It means the return of the open world feature! It means more advanced cars and it means extra interactions in your cars!

Basketball! Why not?


  1. This is really stupid, most of these hints are not happening. You way over analyzed. This is just real world stuff, that happens to be in the trailer.

    1. Well, I don't think they would put all that crap in the trailer if they weren't hinting at stuff! Why on earth would they randomly have astronauts, llamas, those bunnies, etc. It wouldn't make any sense to put that stuff in their if it's not somehow going to be in the game. Besides, they always hint at stuff in the Sims series.
