Wednesday 21 August 2013

SimsTabloid and Weealbet Late Night Giveaway!

So our first expansion we're giving away as part of simmers summer week! Provided by Weealbet! Check out his YouTube channel if you haven't already!

(*UPDATE* Alternatively Tweet to @SimsTabloid with your answer)


  1. I would create a pets one, I'd love to see how the pets would look in this style and the new emotions would match perfectly, if the dog is lonely it whines, angry it barks!!!!!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    1. My Twitter is @sthomson99 if you need to contact me

  2. The expansion pack I would create for TS3/4 would have to be a health expansion pack. An detailed medical career like a profession and have to go once every 2 simweeks for a check up and you can break bones and have x rays and crutches/wheelchair and chicken pix and illness and days off school! Also there would be a dental proffesion where you could get braces, fillings check ups, tooth removals. Also for like moodlets you could have like "Sore gum" or "successful check up" and another cool thing would be when you didn't know they were ill so they would have moodlets like "sore tummy" and you would have to take them to the doctors! Also more in depth pregnancy like scans and breast feeding! Also for CAS items you could have like customable maternity clothes and nightgowns and stuff and for build/buy you could have hospital beds and oxygen masks for when in hospital! You could also be addmitted to hospital, have surgery and have a moodlet that if you ignored previous moodlets of going to hospital that says "running out of breathe" so like they might often forget and may die in a few hours! Sorry for the long comment I would like to win and I love your blog and this is an expansion pack I have always dreamed of!
